
Forbes: Companies Making An Impact On The World

11 January 2019

Five Young Companies Making An Impact On The World To Watch In 2019.

As reported in Forbes:

“One in three children born today will develop dementia in the course of their lifetimes, while the cost of treatment for the disease is expected to reach $2 trillion globally by 2030. However, early diagnosis of dementia has the potential to save $118,000 per patient, and London-based startup Cognetivity has just raised $4.1 million dollars to commercialise a new breakthrough technology that uses AI to improve dementia diagnosis rates across the UK.

Founded by a team of Cambridge PhDs, Cognetivity has developed an integrated cognitive assessment (ICA) test that challenges large portions of the brain with natural images, and is designed as a quick, easy-to-use tool for clinicians.

The five minute test, administered via an iPad, carries out analysis by proprietary AI which clusters test performance in terms of accuracy, speed and image properties to calculate the user’s risk of having early signs of dementia, with a previously unattainable level of accuracy. By diagnosing patients with dementia earlier, doctors will be able to provide faster treatment and ongoing monitoring that can radically improve patients’ lives.”

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